About us
We are professional dog trainers
I am a certified NePoPo® instructor and NePoPo® Gold Multiplicator. I have a certificate in dog education and training from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and I certify other dog trainers for professional qualification according to the Ministry's standards. I am the only one in the Czech Republic with a Professional level certification from the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP). I am also a member of the IACP Executive Board for Europe.
I work with both individuals and groups. I organize seminars, workshops, weekend events, and training camps worldwide. I collaborate with armed forces, sports clubs, and I also lecture at schools and universities.
- Certified company
Our services
We offer top canine services
Dog training
We provide training for family dogs, helping them become well-behaved companions for everyday life, emphasizing the importance of balanced attitude.
Training and development of working dogs for sport or service.
Boarding Training and Dog sitting
During the boarding training, the dog is accommodated with us, and we will train him for you.
Dog sitting in family environment.
Seminars and Workshops
We organize NePoPo® seminars and workshops worldwide. If you want a seminar at your location, please contact us.
Throughout the year, we also organize a variety of training weekends and camps.
Additional services
We also offer
We also offer our canine services online through the purchase of individual online lessons, courses, or seminars. Additionally, private online consultations are available..
We also certify new NePoPo® students through our New NePoPo® Gold School.
Online store for canine equipment.
- Official Dealer of Martin System® and Chameleon®
- NePoPo® equipments
- Food Supplements for working dogs
Upon purchase, you will have one year of access to online lessons and also gain entry to a closed section for your inquiries.
Canine online education
Are you interested in canine education from the comfort of your home? We offer over 30 lessons, courses, and seminars on various topics for you.
- Leash walk
- Stop hunting behavior
- NePoPo® Box
- Fetch
- etc
- Recall
- NePoPo® Skill
- Agression
- Jumping
- etc
- Ignition Trainer
- NePoPo® Shaping
- Sugar and Whip
- E-collar
- etc
NePoPo® is a system where we combine the best of positive training methods with traditional techniques, bringing together the strengths of both worlds.
Why choose us
6 reasons why people choose us
Professional education
We have professional canine education, including international certifications.
Deep experience
We have trained for many years and work with dogs at the highest level.
Individual approach
Every dog is unique and requires a tailored approach, and we are aware of that.
Planned training
Structured system where you can track progress week by week.
Online support
We are always ready to provide consultation and assistance.
International experience
We collaborate with the best canine professionals from around the world.
Our clients
Our clients include individuals and groups, whether it’s for family training, dog sports preparation, or service training.
What our clients say about us
Discover what thrilled our customers! Browse through their authentic reviews and learn about their experiences with us.
VynikajícíNa základě 57 hodnoceníMačinga MilanSkvely trener, vyborne vysvetlene dotazy, ochotny venovat sa individualne a prisposobit smerovanie treningu potrebam psa a psovoda a ich zameraniu, skusenosti z praxe a ukazky aplikovania su velkym prinosom a pomahaju. Dakujem za moznost zucastnit sa.Juraj ASON (Čičo)NePoPo - Skvelý odborno-praktický tréningový systém pod vedením fundovaného a na slovo vzatého odborníka Martina LacaGabriela EliašováBol to veľmi zaujímavý a podnetny seminár.Irena SopkováSuper seminár veľa nových poznatkov. ĎakujemEva ZuckerovaZúčastnili sme sa seminára a bola som nadšená. Skvelý a obsiahly výklad, všetko zrozumiteľne vysvetlené, navyše milý a zábavný prístup. Mne na tomto systéme tréningu učarovala predovšetkým ochota psa vykonávať cviky s nadšením a čakať na ďalšie povely ako na splnený sen. Pes mi doteraz pracoval, ale preto, že musel. Teraz sa snažíme o to, aby pracoval preto, že chce. Vrelo odporúčam všetkým, ktorí majú radi svojho psa a chcú od neho, aby podával hocijaký výkon. Či už to sú psí športovci smerujúci na vrchol alebo len spoločníci smerujúci na gauč 👍🙂Slavomíra PipasíkováZúčastnila som sa semináru a hodnotím len pozitívne. Dozvedela som sa veľa nových a zmysluplných poznatkov, ktoré určite využijem vo výcviku. Všetko čomu som doteraz nerozumela bolo pekne vysvetlené a konečne všetko dáva zmysel. A určite sa ešte niekedy podobnej akcie zúčastním. ;)
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How can you contact us
Our headquarters are located in the beautiful Pošumaví region in Czechia, with accessibility within approximately 30 minutes from Plzeň, Příbram, Písek, Strakonice, Sušice, or Klatovy.
Mobile: +420 607 080 580
Email: info@arkak9.com